How to prevent a transmission failure?
Your vehicle’s transmission is the key to its mobility and plays an important role in the overall functioning of the car. When you see signs of an issue with your transmission, you must get immediate attention from an expert technician before it leads to serious...

Signs your automatic transmission is failing
The automatic transmission has made lives easier for many people driving cars. It makes the whole experience simpler and allows you to accelerate faster by handling the gear shifting. However, every piece of equipment in your car is prone to malfunction and wear and...

Automatic Transmission Fluid Vs. Gear Oil
The basic difference between transmission fluid and gear oil is the purpose they are designed to serve. Transmission fluid is formulated to work with automatic transmissions, whereas gear oil is essentially meant to work with manual-type gear boxes. However, this blog...

Symptoms of a clogged transmission filter
Any vehicle with an automatic transmission has a fluid that flows through the transmission to ensure its smooth performance. The fluid passes through a transmission filter, which is responsible to remove dirt, metal particles, or any other debris from the fluid. Over...

Signs that indicate your transmission fluid is bad and needs changing
Transmission fluid is an important part of your car’s system as it is responsible to lubricate the vehicle’s transmission. Over time, the fluid picks up grime and starts to break down with usage. You need to get the old transmission fluid flushed out to remove the...